Microsoft official academic course microsoft project 2016 answer key free.Microsoft Official Academic Course

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Microsoft official academic course microsoft project 2016 answer key free.


Changing the Column Width In Excel, column width is established based on the existing data. Use the 02 Fabrikam Employees Solution file from the previous exercise.

Move the mouse pointer between columns A and B, to the column markers at the top of the worksheet see Figure The mouse pointer changes to a double-headed arrow. Double-click the column marker between A and B.

The width of the column changes to the widest entry in column A. Take Note To change the column width manually, point to the column marker between columns A and B and drag the pointer left or right instead of double-clicking. Drag the double-headed arrow mouse pointer between columns B and C until the ScreenTip shows Width: 20 pixels or something close to this amount see Figure , and then release the mouse button.

Figure When you drag the dou- ble-headed arrow pointer, the ScreenTip shows the column width. This overwrites your previous version without the column width change. However, when you type in the next cell, the overflow text does not display.

The text is still there. It is often easier to proof your work if you have the column widths match the longest text entries. You can double-click on the column markers to automatically adjust to the widest entry or drag the column marker to adjust the column width to your desired width. To edit information in a worksheet, you can make changes directly in the cell or edit the contents of a cell in the formula bar, located between the ribbon and the worksheet.

When you enter data in a cell, the text or numbers appear in the cell and in the formula bar. You can also enter data directly in the formula bar. Selecting text means that you highlight the text that is to be changed. You can also double-click in a cell to position the insertion point for editing. OPEN a blank workbook. Click cell A1, type Fabrikam, and then press Enter. The insertion point moves to cell A2 and nothing appears in the formula bar.

Click cell A1. Notice that the formula bar displays Fabrikam see Figure Figure Active cell and formu- la bar displaying the Formula bar same information Active cell 3. Click after Fabrikam in the formula bar, type a space, type Incorporated, and then press Tab. The insertion point moves to cell B1 and nothing appears in the formula bar see Figure Figure Although it looks like text is in B1, it is actually extended text from A1.

Nothing shows in the formula bar. Click cell A1 and in the formula bar, double-click on Incorporated to select it. Type Inc. Type Sales and then press Enter. Click cell A2 and then click after Sales in the formula bar. Press Home. The insertion point moves to the beginning of the formula bar. Working with Microsoft Excel 23 Take Note While you are editing in the formula bar, you can press Home to move to the beginning, End to move to the end, or the left or right arrow keys to move one character at a time.

Press Delete to delete characters after the insertion point. Press Backspace to delete characters before the insertion point. Type Monthly and then press the spacebar. In cell A3, type January and then press Enter. Click cell A3, type February, and then press Enter. Click cell A3 and then press Delete. The entry in A3 is removed.

Above row 1 and to the left of column A, click the Select All button. All cells on the worksheet are selected. Press Delete. All entries are removed. The previous entry will be restored. You can edit a cell by double-clicking the cell and then typing the replacement text in the cell. Or, you can click the cell and then click in the formula bar. Use the Home key on your keyboard to move the insertion point to the beginning of the cell, and use the End key to move the insertion point to the end of the cell.

You can add new characters at the location of the insertion point. To select multiple characters while in Edit mode, press Shift while you press the arrow keys. You also can use the mouse to select characters while you are editing a cell. Just click and drag the mouse pointer over the characters that you want to select. This deletes what is in the cell rather than the cell itself. To erase the contents of more than one cell, select all the cells that you want to erase and on your keyboard, press Delete.

In cell A1, type 1 and then press Enter. Type 2 and then press Enter. Type 3 and then press Enter. Type 4 and then press Enter. Highlight cells A1 through A4 containing the numbers 1 through 4. All the cells are erased. On the Quick Access Toolbar, click the Undo button to restore the cell entries.

The value and format are placed into the cell. Click cell B5 and then press Delete. Type without the dollar sign and comma and then press Enter. Although the original entry is gone, the cell retains the previous format when you press Delete. Click cell B5 and on the Home tab, in the Editing group, click Clear. Click Clear Formats. Cell B5 displays without the dollar sign and comma.

Take Note Clear displays a number of options. To remove both the entry and the format, choose Clear All. You have already en- tered basic text and numeric data in this lesson. In the following exercises, you enter dates, use Auto Fill to complete data in a series, and use the Flash Fill feature to speed data entry down a column. The strength of Ex- cel is its capability to calculate and analyze numbers based on the numeric values you enter.

Of course, if you enter the wrong numbers, you get the wrong calculations. For that reason, accurate data entry is crucial. Entering Dates Dates are often used in worksheets to track data over a specified period of time. Like text, dates can be used as row and column headings. However, dates are considered serial numbers, which means that they are sequential and can be added, subtracted, and used in calculations.

Dates can also be used in formulas and in developing graphs and charts. The way a date is initially displayed in a worksheet cell depends on the format in which you type the characters.

In Excel , the de- fault date format uses four digits for the year. Also by default, dates are right-justified in the cells. Working with Microsoft Excel 25 4. If the year displayed in the formula bar is not , click cell B7 and then press F2.

Change the year to and then press Enter. In cell B9, type January 21, and then press Enter. If you enter a date in a different format than specified or had already entered something in the cell and deleted it, your worksheet might not reflect the results described. The date formats in column B are not consistent see Figure You apply a consistent date format in the next section.

Notice that the value changes but the formatting remains the same. Click the Undo button to return to the workbook shown in Figure Excel interprets two-digit years from 00 to 29 as the years to ; two-digit years from 30 to 99 are interpreted as to If you type January 28, , the date will display as Jan In the next section, you learn to apply a consistent format to a series of dates. Take Note When you enter a date into a cell in a particular format, the cell is automatically formatted even if you delete the entry.

Subsequent numbers entered in that cell will be converted to the date format of the original entry. To populate a new cell with data that exists in an adjacent cell, use the Auto Fill feature either through the command or the fill handle. The fill handle is a small green square in the lower-right corner of a selected cell or range of cells.

A range is a group of adjacent cells that you select to perform operations on all of the selected cells. When you refer to a range of cells, the first cell and last cell are separated by a colon for example, C4:H4.

Click and drag the fill handle from cells that contain data to the cells you want to fill with that data, or have Excel automatically continue a series of numbers, numbers and text combinations, dates, or time periods, based on an established pattern.

In this exercise, you use the Auto Fill command and fill handle to populate cells with data. USE the workbook from the previous exercise or type the text in Figure Select the range C4:H4.

January is in the first cell. On the Home tab, in the Editing group, click the Fill button. The Fill menu appears see Figure Figure Fill drop-down menu Fill button Fill options 3. From the menu, click Right. The contents of C4 January are filled into all the cells.

Click the Undo button. Select the range C9:C13 and then click the Fill button. Choose Down. The content of C9 is copied into the four additional cells. Click cell C4, point to the fill handle in the lower-right corner of the cell see Figure , and drag it to E4 and release. Click cell C5, point to the fill handle, and then drag it to C9 and release. The Auto Fill Options button appears near the lower-right corner of the selected range see Figure All the numbers return to their previous values and are formatted with dollar signs and commas.

Repeat Steps 8 and 9 for the range B5:B9. Working with Microsoft Excel 27 Figure You can fill numbers, formats, or other options. Auto Fill Options button Click cell A9, and then drag the fill handle down to A Click the Undo button to return the spreadsheet. After you fill cells using the fill handle, the Auto Fill Options button appears so that you can choose how the selection is filled.

In Excel, the default option is to copy the original content and formatting. With Auto Fill, you can select how the content of the original cell appears in each cell in the filled range. Take Note When you type sufficient data for Excel to recognize a series, the fill handle will do the rest. For example, to record daily sales, you might want to have consecutive columns labeled with the days of the week.

If you type Monday in the first cell, you can fill in the rest of the days by dragging the fill handle from the Monday cell to complete the series. Excel recognizes January as the beginning of a natural series and completes the series as far as you take the fill handle. By definition, a natural series is a formatted series of text or numbers that are in a normal sequence such as months, weekdays, numbers, or times.

For example, a natural series of numbers could be 1, 2, 3, or , , , or a natural series of text could be Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or January, February, March.

For different natural series, see Table With Flash Fill, you can quickly fill a column of data using an example that is based on existing data in adjacent columns. As the following steps show, for example, you can almost instantly cre- ate columns for first and last names if the full name appears in another column.

After you enter the initial item such as the first name in a column and start to type the second item in that col- umn, Excel displays a preview of entries formatted the same way in the rest of the column. If the presented preview of the data is what you want, just press Enter to fill the column with the entries. OPEN 02 Customers from the data files for this lesson. Notice the customer list in column A, which includes the last name followed by a comma and then the first name.

You want to create separate columns for the first and last names. Select cell B2 in the First Name column. Type Alice and then press Enter. In cell B3, type Ai to begin the next first name, Aidan. Excel guesses that you want to enter the rest of the first names in column B and displays a preview of the results see Figure Figure Flash Fill showing possible list Type first name of for all First Names first person in B2 Type first two letters of second person in B3 and Excel automatically guesses that you want all first names in column B.

Press Enter to accept the suggestion. The remaining first names fill down the column. Notice that Excel also includes the middle initials for those names that include them. Select cell C2 in the Last Name column. Type Ciccu and then press Enter. In cell C3, type De to begin the next last name, Delaney.

Excel guesses that you want to enter the rest of the last names in column C and displays a preview of the results. Working with Microsoft Excel 29 9. The remaining last names fill down the column.

These processes are discussed as the exercises in this section continue. You can also copy specific contents or attri- butes from the cells. For example, you can copy the format only without copying the cell value, or copy the resulting value of a formula without copying the formula itself.

You can also copy the value from the original cell but retain the formatting of the destination cell. Just select the cell or range of cells you want to copy and hold down Ctrl while you point to the border of the selection.

When the pointer becomes a copy pointer arrow with a plus , you can drag the cell or range of cells to the new location. As you drag, a scrolling ScreenTip identifies where the selection will be copied if you release the mouse button. In this exercise, you practice copying data with the mouse.

Open the 02 Customer Houses file. Select the range AA Press Ctrl and point to the right border of the selected range. The copy pointer is displayed. Troubleshooting Be sure to hold down the Ctrl key the entire time you are dragging a data series for copying with the mouse, or you will move the series instead of copying it.

With the copy pointer displayed, press and hold down the left mouse button and drag the selection to the right, until HH22 appears in the scrolling ScreenTip next to the selection. Release the mouse button and then release Ctrl. The data in AA22 also appears in HH Moving a Data Series with the Mouse Data can be moved from one location to another within a workbook in much the same way as copying. To move a data series, select the cell or range of cells and point to the border of the se- lection.

When data is moved, it replaces any existing data in the destination cells. In this exercise, you practice moving a data series from one range of cells to another. USE the 02 Customer Houses workbook from the previous exercise.

Select EE Point to the right border of the selected range. The move pointer a white arrow with four smaller black arrows attached is displayed. With the move pointer displayed, hold down the left mouse button and then drag the selection to the right, until II22 appears in the scrolling ScreenTip beside the selected range.

Release the mouse button. In your worksheet, the destination cells are empty; therefore, you are not concerned with replacing existing data. The data previously in EE22 is now in II Drag A1 to H Note that a dialog box warns you about replacing the contents of the destination cells. Click Cancel. Drag E1 to I Your worksheet should look like the one shown in Figure Take Note When you attempt to move a selection to a location that contains data, a caution dialog box opens.

Do you want to replace it? You can click OK or cancel the operation. Copying and Pasting Data The Office Clipboard collects and stores up to 24 copied or cut items that are then available to be used in the active workbook, in other workbooks, and in other Microsoft Office programs. Working with Microsoft Excel 31 You can paste insert selected items from the Clipboard to a new location in the worksheet. Cut moved data is removed from the worksheet but is still available for you to use in multiple locations.

If you copy multiple items and then click Paste, only the last item copied will be pasted. To access multiple items, you must open the Clipboard pane.

In this exercise, you use commands in the Clipboard group and the Clipboard pane to copy and paste cell data. The Clipboard pane opens on the left side of the worksheet. The most recently copied item is always added at the top of the list in this pane, and it is the item that will be copied when you click Paste or a shortcut command. Select A1:E22 and then press Delete. Select HI22 and in the Clipboard group, click the Copy button. The border around the selected range becomes a moving border.

Select A1 and then click the Paste button. The moving border remains active around HI A copied range does not deactivate until you type new text, issue another command, double-click on another cell, or press Esc. Select A20 and then click the down arrow on the Paste button.

The Paste options menu appears see Figure Figure The Paste options menu 6. Under Paste Values, select the first option. Notice that the values in the range BB31 are no longer formatted. Select HI22 and then press Delete. Click the Close button in the upper-right corner of the Clipboard pane to close it.

Take Note If you point to the Paste options in either the shortcut menu or the Paste options in the Clipboard group, you will be able to preview your changes before actually implementing them. The properties include items that you indirectly change such as file size and last edit date. The workbook properties also include items you directly change such as keywords. Assigning keywords also called tags to the document properties makes it easier to organize and find documents.

You can also add more notes to your file for classification and document management. Assigning Keywords If you work for Fabrikam, Inc. You can then search for and locate all files containing information about sales. You can assign more than one keyword to a document.

Click File. The Backstage view displays current properties on the right side of the window. At the bottom of the right pane, click the Show All Properties link to display additional properties. Click the Categories field and type Revenue.

Click the Company field and type Fabrikam, Inc.. Above the Size field, click the Properties drop-down arrow, and then click Advanced Properties. The Properties dialog box opens see Figure Click the Summary tab in the dialog box to see the properties you entered.

Click the Statistics tab to see the date you modified the file. Click OK to close the Properties dialog box. Press Esc to return to the worksheet. Working with Microsoft Excel 33 After a file is saved, the Statistics tab records when the file was accessed and when it was modified. It also identifies the person who last saved the file.

After a workbook is saved, the Properties dialog box title bar displays the workbook name. Knowledge Assessment Multiple Choice Select the best response for the following statements. Which of the following consists of details that describe or identify a file, including the author? Paste b. Document properties c. Copy d. Range 2. Which command is used to insert a cut or copied selection to a cell or range of cells?

Range 3. If you want to use a workbook in another kind of document, you have the option to save using which of the following? File format b. Worksheet c. File sheet d. File range 4. Which is a small green square in the lower-right corner of a selected cell or range that you can use to copy one cell to adjacent cells or to create a series? Cell pointer b. Column marker c.

Fill handle d. Formula bar 5. Which of the following can you drag or double-click to change the width of a column? Using the Delete key removes both text and formats from a cell. You can assign keywords so that others can search for your documents online. The formula bar is found at the bottom of the Excel window. Use the fill handle to create a natural series, such as the months of the year. Workbooks can be saved as web pages, PDF files, and for use in previous versions of Excel.

Click cell A1, type Fabrikam, Inc. Beginning in A4, type the following labels and values. If necessary, adjust the column widths to display all of the text in the columns. LEAVE the workbook open for the next project. Project Setting Document Properties and Assigning Keywords In this project, you will use Document Properties to assign properties to an existing workbook. Click Properties and then click Advanced Properties.

Click the Summary tab. In the Subject field, type Sales and then press Tab. In the Author field, type [your name] and then press Tab four times.

In the Keywords field, type , options, priorities. CLOSE the file. Each tab provides related options and settings to help you manage your Excel workbook files.

This is your access to Backstage view. When you click the File tab to access Backstage view, you see the navigation pane on the left side of the window, with commands related to managing files refer to Figure If you want to return to your workbook from Backstage view, click the Return to document button in the upper left corner or press Esc.

You can use the Print settings to manipulate workbook elements such as margins, orientation, paper size, and so on. Many of these commands are also available from the Page Layout tab on the ribbon. Setting the Print Area You can use the Print options in Backstage view to print only a selected portion, or print area, of an Excel workbook.

In this exercise, you learn to select an area of a workbook for printing. You print just the list of items in the worksheet. On the worksheet, click cell A3, hold the mouse button, and then drag to cell A Your selected cell range should be highlighted in gray see Figure Figure Selecting a print area 2.

Click the File tab and then click Print in the navigation pane. Under Settings, click the first button, labeled Print Active Sheets the name on the button changes if you make a different selection. A drop-down menu of options displays for setting the print area.

From the menu that appears, click Print Selection. You have now set the print area. Notice in the Print Preview pane on the right that you can see only the list of items to bring and not the text in rows 1 and 2 see Figure Click the Return to document button. You will not print at this time. Take Note Specifying a print area from the Backstage view does not save the setting with the workbook. If you want to save the print area for later use, select the range for the print area, and then on the Page Layout tab, click Print Area, and then Set Print Area.

Printing Selected Worksheets In this exercise, you learn to access the options for printing individual worksheets in a workbook.

You can use these options to print the current worksheet only or to print multiple worksheets. This is a modified version of the potluck workbook you used previously. In this case, there are three different worksheets for three different departments.

Click each of the three worksheet tabs: HR, Operations, and Finance. Notice that the title in C1 shows the department name and there are a different number of items to bring to each potluck depending on the size of the department.

Click the HR tab. In the Print Preview pane, the first worksheet displays. Excel prints only the active sheets by default. Notice that the page number shows 1 out of 1, indicating that only one of the worksheets will print, and it will all fit on one page. Press Esc or click the Return to document button. While the HR worksheet is active, hold down Ctrl and click on the Finance tab. Now both the HR and Finance worksheets are selected. Click the File tab and then click Print.

Now in the Print Preview area, the bottom of the screen shows 1 of 2 with the HR worksheet preview. Click the right arrow to go to the second page and notice that the Finance worksheet previews see Figure Page 1 is the HR worksheet 7. In the drop-down menu that appears, notice that you can select several printing options for your workbook or worksheet.

Click the Return to document button to return to the workbook without printing. CLOSE the workbook without saving. Printing an Entire Workbook In most scenarios in business, workbooks are composed of multiple worksheets. In this exercise, you use commands in Backstage view to print an entire workbook.

With Excel open from the previous exercise, perform the following steps. Click the File tab and then click Open if it is not selected. Because you just used the 03 Contoso Potluck Depts workbook, it should be at the top of the Recent list in the right pane.

Click 03 Contoso Potluck Depts to open it. Notice that the complete workbook does not display in the Print Preview area. This is because you did not save the workbook after you selected multiple sheets in the previous exercise. Now in the Print Preview area, the bottom of the screen shows 1 of 3. This exercise prepares you to customize such options as page setup, scale, paper selection, and gridlines, all using the commands in Backstage view.

Click the File tab and select Print see Figure Notice that the worksheet is small and it might be nice to have lines for people to write in on a printed page. In the Settings area of the Print window, click the Margins drop-down arrow and then click Wide. The new margins will allow the worksheet to be hole-punched and put in a binder. Click the Scaling drop-down and see the choices below. The scaling options ensure that all columns, rows, or the entire worksheet fit on one page. In this case, you want to make the text larger without changing the font.

Click Custom Scaling Options. The Page Setup dialog box opens. Make sure that the Page tab is selected and select Landscape so the page prints horizontally. Work confidently with a powerful project management tool that makes getting started and managing projects both simple and easy. Even complex projects are easier to manage when you can choose methods and tools that best suit your needs. Use Project and Teams to empower collaboration and management of projects, including file sharing, chats, meetings, and more.

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Microsoft official academic course microsoft project 2016 answer key free. Microsoft Official Academic Course MICROSOFT EXCEL 2016

    In /24682.txt drop-down menu that appears, notice that you can select several printing options for your workbook or worksheet.


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